Friday, April 28, 2017

Writing Stories With a Beginning, Middle and End

Our first grade writers know that authors often get inspired by reading other author's books. We begin most of our weeks of writing by reading interesting books. When they make a connection to those books, those connections help to inspire our first graders in their own writing.

This week, we began by reading Down the Road by Alice Schertle.

After reading this story about a young girl who gets to go to the store by herself for the first time, the children brainstormed ideas for times that they felt proud because they did something by themselves for the first time.

We spent 2 days writing and editing stories with a beginning, middle and end. The students were encouraged to write about how they felt during each part of the story.

Finally, yesterday, the kids were excited to share their stories with a partner.  Enjoy the pictures, and feel free to check in with your child about what proud moment they wrote about!

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